
Green Pin Bow Shackle – Screw Pin


Material Body and pin high tensile steel, Grade 6, quenched and tempered
Safety Factor MBL equals 6 x WLL
Standard EN 13889 and meets performance requirements of US Fed Spec RR-C-271, Type IVA Class 2, Grade A
Finish Hot dipped galvanised
Certificates As standard an EC declaration of conformity is supplied, also upon request a basic raw material cert, manufacturer test cert, inspection cert and DNV Cert (2t above)
Temp Range Minus 20°c up to 200°



Working Diameter Diameter Diameter Width Width Length Width Length Length Width
Load Limit Bow Pin Eye Eye Inside Inside Bow Bolt
a b c d e f g h i j
t mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
0.33 5 6 12 5 9.5 22 16 36 29.5 26
0.5 7 8 16.5 7 12 29 20 48.5 38 34
0.75 9 10 20 9 13.5 32 22 56 46.5 40
1 10 11 22.5 10 17 36.5 26 63.5 54 46
1.5 11 13 26.5 11 19 43 29 74 59.5 51
2 13.5 16 34 13 22 51 32 89 73 58
3.25 16 19 40 16 27 64 43 110 89 75
4.75 19 22 46 19 31 76 51 129 103 89
6.5 22 25 52 22 36 83 58 144 119 102
8.5 25 28 59 25 43 95 68 164 137 118
9.5 28 32 66 28 47 108 75 185 153 131
12 32 35 72 32 541 115 83 201 170 147
13.5 35 38 80 35 57 133 92 227 186 162
17 38 42 88 38 60 146 99 249 203 175
25 45 50 103 45 74 178 126 300 243 216
35 50 57 111 50 83 197 138 331 272 238
42.5 57 65 130 57 95 222 160 377 310 274
55 65 70 145 65 105 260 180 433 344 310

0.33t, 0.50t, 0.75t, 1.5t, 2t, 3.25t, 4.75t, 6.5t, 8.5t, 9.5t, 12t, 13.5t, 17t, 25t, 35t, 42.5t, 55t
