Catena's Pre-Exam Checklist
When it comes to lifting, nothing should be left to chance.
Faulty, damaged and poorly maintained equipment significantly increases the risk of serious injuries and can have a huge financial and legal impact on your business. Equipment Inspections might be necessary, but there are a few things you can do to minimise the disruption and cost to your business.
Tell Your Staff in Advance.
Do they know where all the items are located?
Is equipment locked for safe keeping?
Ensure Staff on Leave arrange to have their items inspected (call backs can be costly for just a few items).
Ensure all items are clean - items must be able to be clearly identified.
Plan your inspection schedule to ensure efficiency and save money.
Which items should be inspected first? Is equipment due to be used at a certain time?
Prioritise Site Vehicles and trucks that may not be present during normal working hours.
Ensure your equipment is all where it should be for accurate identification & logging.
Group items of the same category together to save time.
Ensure your Team notifies a Supervisor or Safety Officer of missing or condemned items so they can be located and replaced.
Ensure your Height Safety Equipment has not expired. Some Harnesses and Lanyards only have a 5 Year life Expectancy! Don't waste your money by having us examine items you know will have expired and need to be disposed of.
Use our Portal to keep your Asset Register Up-to-date, delete any scrapped or missing items so our inspectors don't waste time looking for them.
Click on the Link to see the full list of Cost Saving Tips!
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