1. Emergencies and Fire Arrangements
If you discover a fire you should sound the fire alarm and leave the premises via the nearest available fire exit. The fire assembly point is at the main gates, and marked with a sign to show it is the assembly point. Fire Marshalls / Fire Wardens are identified by posters in main areas.
It is important to never block emergency exits, walkways and acess to electrical boards. Fire Doors should not be manually propped open, the only accepted method is to use the fire activated door stops which are installed on some fire doors. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the premises, and these can be pointed out by your host on day 1.
CLICK HERE for Site Plan and Fire Exit Locations
2. Welfare Facilities and First Aid
Male toilets are located in the workshop block, and there is a male and female toilet in the office block. If you are workshop based there is a locker room also located in the canteen block. Office based staff may use the canteen to store any items or their desk area as appropriate. First Aid boxes are located in the workshop canteen and the office canteen. First Aiders are identified by posters in main areas. Any accidents shouls be reported to your nearest available First Aider.
3. Accidents and Hazard Reporting
We have an accident and incident policy along with a reporting form required for certain types of incidents.
CLICK HERE for CHS011 Accident, Incident, Near Miss and Dangerous Occurances Reporting Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS012 Investigations Policy
4. Risk Assessments and Training
If you are office based you will need to complete the DSE Risk Assesment (a link will be sent to do this) on your workspace in line with our DSE Policy
CLICK HERE to read CHS005 Display Screen Equipment Policy
Where appropriate to your work, you will need to understand the requirement for the following:
1 – General workplace or workshop health & safety such as Housekeeping, Safe Storage, individual rules
2 – Safe manual handling techniques and equipment provided
3 – Work with Hazardous Substances, location of COSHH Assesments and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) as applicable
4 – Safe Use and Maintenance on Machinery, including safety controls
5 – Risk Assessemtns and Safe Systems of Work (SSoW) specific to your role
6 – H&S Training, which will be assesment and arranged by the IMS Team.
CLICK HERE for CHS002 Defects and Failures Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS003 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS004 Safer Manual Handling Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS015 Welding Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS016 STOP for Safety Policy
CLICK HERE for CHS018 Lock Out Tag Out Policy
CLICK HERE for Working at Height
CLICK HERE for Electrical Safety Policy
CLICK HERE for Preventing and Reducing Slips, Trips and Falls Policy
5. Work Out of Hours and Prohibitions
Catena does not permit Lone Working in the workshop, if you are an engineer that goes to site and is in a Lone Working situation, then specific arrangements will be made to ensure safety, including regular check ins and risk assessments.
There are no out of boaunds areas for any employee, however common sense and risk management must be used, i.e. do not walk into a live test area, do not walk infront of / behind moving vehicles, do not cross the car park without looking etc
6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is issued by the company and must be used as prescribed. Safety footwear must be worn by workshop based staff, office based staff shall be issued with safety shoes to be worn as required. If sticking to marked walkways you may wear sensible closed in shoes. Sandals and Flip Flops etc are never permitted.
Ear protection shall be worn if you are carrying out a noisy operation of if you are within proximity of someone who is performing a noisy operation. LEV and Welding Masks shall be used when welding or carrying out other operations likely to create airbourne particles.
It is your responsibility to look after and maintain any equipment or PPE issued to you. If any items are damaged or require replacement, please ensure you request this in a timely manner. You should never carry on without PPE required for the task you are doing.
7. Use of Substances
No smoking or vaoing is permitted inside the premises or the company vehicles (including forklifts)
There are cigarette bins located on the car park side of the building at the top and bottom doors.
These are the only areas you are permitted to smoke or vape.
Drugs and Alcohol are not permitted on site
CLICK HERE for CHS017 Drugs and Alcohol Policy